Heat 2
Place Athlete Name Affiliation Time
1 Jennifer Simpson New Balance 4:15.04
2 Brenda Martinez New Balance 4:15.11
3 Sara Vaughn unattached 4:18.25
4 Lauren Johnson unattached 4:19.30
5 Lauren Centrowitz New Balance 4:20.35
6 Sara Hall Asics 4:21.64
7 Katherine Follett unattached 4:22.43
8 Lauren Bonds adidas 4:23.51
9 Margaret Infeld New York AC 4:28.14
10 Nicole Schappert New York AC 4:29.97
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Race Video: Nicole Schappert's USATF Indoor 1500
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
NJ Sprinter Alex Reber to Join Wildcats in 2012

Marcus O'Sullivan earlier this month got a commitment from sprinter Alex Reber (Cherry Hill East High School, NJ). Reber is a 400 meter specialist with a 48.16 PR who recently finished 2nd at the New Jersey Indoor Meet of Champions (behind only USA #1 Najee Glass). Reber is currently #33 on the 2012 USA prep indoor 400 meter performance list.
Some of his 400 meter accomplishments include:
5th at 2011 Indoor Eastern States
4th at 2011 Outdoor NJ Meet of Champions
19th at 2011 New Balance Outdoor Nationals
2nd at 2012 Indoor Meet of Champions
Alex Reber PRs:
55 meters: 6.74
300 meters: 35.08
400 meter hurdles: 54.38
400 meters: 48.16
500 meters: 1:08.20
Monday, February 27, 2012
Angel Piccirillo Blasts USA #1 Mile at PA State Meet
Eclipses Kim Gallagher's 32-Year-Old State Record

If that were not enough, Piccirillo doubled back on the same day to win the state championship at 3000 meters, running 9:53.79 -- the #10 prep time in the USA this year. Fellow Villanova signee Caitlin Bungo was 4th.
To see this historic mile race, click HERE.
For a post-race interview, click HERE.
To see Piccirillo's victory in the 3000 meters, click HERE.
Girls 1 Mile Run
State Meet: * 4:53.18 2/28/2004 Frances Koons, Allentown Central Cathol
Name Year School Finals
1 Piccirillo, Angel Homer Center 4:44.20*
2 Seykora, Maria Notre Dame Acade 4:58.16
3 Grossman, Hannah Strath Haven 4:59.52
4 Weisner, Kennedy Elk County C 5:01.24
5 Sheva, Marissa Pennridge 5:02.16
6 Richards, Morgan Hickory 5:07.82
7 Sowinski, Rachel Holy Redeemer 5:10.00
8 Wiggins, Priscilla George School 5:10.39
9 Malone, Margo North Hills 5:10.81
10 McGarrity, Megan Saint Basil 5:13.27
11 Galligan, Grace Springfield Delc 5:14.36
12 Mahony, Emma Villa Joseph Mar 5:15.92
13 Brown, Rachel North Penn 5:16.45
14 Van Kleunen, Lucy Central 5:16.47
15 Stewart, Kathleen C R South 5:17.09
16 Strock, Carol Cumberland Val 5:17.14
17 Claffey, Elise Great Valley 5:17.18
18 Greba, Autumn Norwin 5:17.64
19 Davies, Molly Lower Moreland 5:18.06
20 Alm, Gina Hampton 5:18.95
21 Adams, Nora State College 5:20.07
22 Young, Olivia Unionville 5:20.45
22 Hunsberger, Jillian Mount Lebanon 5:20.45
24 Holl, Sarah Upper Dublin 5:21.24
25 Malone, Mary North Hills 5:23.10
26 Schwartz, Brianna Shaler Area 5:23.87
27 Weiler, Anja D-Town East 5:24.27
28 Boulger, Kelly Coatesville 5:24.46
29 Ortiz, Teresa St. Hubert's 5:27.36
30 McKeon, Molly Pope John Paul 5:27.38
Girls 3000 Meter Run
State Meet: * 9:49.27 2/26/2011 Sara Sargent, Pennsbury
Name Year School Finals
1 Piccirillo, Angel Homer Center 9:53.79
2 McGovern, Meghan North Penn 9:57.10
3 Darlington, Amy Liberty 10:07.83
4 Bungo, Caitlin Sewickley Ac 10:09.66
5 Gerlach, Tori Pennridge 10:09.98
6 Rome, Regan Dallas 10:10.21
7 Sargent, Sara Pennsbury 10:11.17
8 Speakman, Meredith Boiling Springs 10:13.39
9 Smith, Courtney Unionville 10:21.66
10 Richards, Morgan Hickory 10:21.69
11 Birkenmaier, Anne Unionville 10:27.05
12 McDonald, Elizabeth Country Day 10:27.73
13 Bucci, Angel Upper Darby 10:39.47
14 Snyder, Maria Northern Bedford 10:40.14
15 Billas, Alison Danville 10:40.71
16 Ross, Taylor Abington Heights 10:41.41
17 Weiler, Biz D-Town East 10:41.44
18 Skinner, Cathryn Penn Charter 10:42.07
19 Callaghan, Katelyn D-Town East 10:49.69
20 Kelly, Mara Springfield Mont 10:53.55
21 Chang, Grace Penncrest 10:59.60
22 Magliane, Rachel Danville 10:59.65
23 Scott, Kate C R North 11:09.59
24 Van Kleunen, Lucy Central 11:24.97
25 Greenwood, Kristen Episcopal Acad 11:45.61
Nicole Schappert 12th at USATF Indoors

Women's 1500 Meter Run Final
Event Records
Record Tag Time Athlete Date
World W 3:58.28 Yelena Soboleva RUS February 18 2006
American A 3:59.98 Regina Jacobs Nike February 1 2003
Meet M 4:03.08 Mary Slaney USA 1997
Place Athlete Name Affiliation Time Heat(Pl)
1. Jennifer Simpson New Balance 4:15.04 2 (1)
2. Brenda Martinez New Balance 4:15.11 2 (2)
3. Sara Vaughn unattached 4:18.25 2 (3)
4. Lauren Johnson unattached 4:19.30 2 (4)
5. Lauren Centrowitz New Balance 4:20.35 2 (5)
6. Sara Hall Asics 4:21.64 2 (6)
7. Katherine Follett unattached 4:22.43 2 (7)
8. Lauren Bonds adidas 4:23.51 2 (8)
9. Heather Haug unattached 4:26.90 1 (1)
10. Mason Cathey Saucony 4:27.99 1 (2)
11. Margaret Infeld New York AC 4:28.14 2 (9)
12. Nicole Schappert New York AC 4:29.97 2 (10)
13. Catherine Beck New Balance 4:30.41 1 (3)
14. Erin Koch unattached 4:31.07 1 (4)
15. Chantelle Dron unattached 4:31.73 1 (5)
16. Amanda LoPiccolo Syracuse TC 4:32.63 1 (6)
17. Shayla Houlihan Brooks 4:33.23 1 (7)
18. Rose Wetzel Club Northwest 4:34.29 1 (8)
19. Kate Grace NJ-NY TC 4:36.46 1 (9)
20. Kerri Gallagher unattached 4:40.37 1 (10)
DNF Bianca Martin Bowerman AC --- ----
Nova Recruit Josh Lampron Wins State Title in the 1000 Meters

Villanova signee Josh Lampron (pictured at center, above) continued his steady climb back to fitness after a fall 2011 injury by winning the Massachusetts all-state championship over 1000 meters. In so doing, he avenged a defeat to Joel Hubbard (above, right) in the 1000 on February 16 at the Massachusetts Independent Athletic Association (MIAA) division 2 meet. His 2:27.57 at that earlier meet places Lampron at #5 on the national prep performance list over that distance.
1000 meters
1. Josh Lampron Mansfield 2:28.65
2. Joe Vercollone Pembroke 2:29.89
3. Ben Groleau Framingham 2:30.73
4. Brendan Robertson Westboro 2:31.26
5. Joel Hubbard Marshfield 2:31.89
6. Justin Keefe Newton North 2:32.35
Saturday, February 25, 2012
The Successor Who Wasn't -- Dave Patrick 1968

In June of 1968, a mere three weeks before the Olympic Trails and with Jim Ryun seemingly too ill with mononucleosis to compete, Sports Illustrated tabbed Villanova's Dave Patrick (who had set the 880 yard world record in beating Ryun the year earlier) as the heir apparent among US milers. What developed over the next two months is well known (and can be reviewed in detail HERE): Patrick failed to make the US Olympic Team in a controversial two-trials format, and the heir apparent who did emerge was not Dave Patrick, but his Villanova teammate Marty Liquori. Here is the Sports Illustrated article on Patrick from June 3, 1968.

June 03, 1968
A Real Shot At Mexico City
With Jim Ryun sidelined by illness, the Olympic dreams of runners like Dave Patrick move into the realm of possibility. Last week at Modesto, Dave gave a small preview of things to come
Robert H. Boyle
The weather was warm but the wind was blowing last Saturday night in Modesto, and Dave Patrick (see cover), anchor man on Villanova's two-mile relay team, was pessimistic about breaking the world record of 7:16 set by the Soviet Union. "I know we can run a world record," Patrick said, "but everything has to be just right." Despite the wind, Villanova came close. Charlie Messenger started for the Wildcats and, after trailing in the first lap, passed the baton to Ian Hamilton with a five-yard lead. Hamilton gave Frank Murphy a 10-yard lead, and Patrick got a 20-yard head start on Tom Von Ruden, anchor for the strong Army team from Fort MacArthur. Patrick just about disappeared into the night on Von Ruden, winning by 50 yards. The time was 7:17.7, better than Villanova had ever run the distance before and the third best two-mile relay ever run. "I didn't think we were going that fast," Patrick said. "It's very hard to run a race like that after you have traveled across the country."
For Dave Patrick, a lot more traveling may be in order this Olympic year. One of several excellent middle-distance runners bunched behind Jim Ryun, Patrick is a possible competitor for the gold medal in the 1,500 meters, the so-called metric mile, this October in Mexico City. And while Patrick, or anyone, for that matter, is a long shot at the moment, anything can happen in the next five months.
This became dramatically evident last week when it was disclosed that Ryun had come down with mononucleosis. Ryun's physician ordered him to drop all training and prescribed a complete two-week rest. But he cautioned: "Mononucleosis is one of those things you are never certain about. You must wait and see. And hope." Ian Hamilton, Patrick's teammate, was even more pessimistic. He said, "I had it last year and I couldn't get rid of it. If you start to run again too soon, it takes longer to get over it. I couldn't do better than two minutes for the half mile."
At best, Ryun will come into the Olympic trials subpar. At worst, he will not be ready for the Olympics. In either case, it presents both opportunity and responsibility for Patrick, because of all the runners chasing Ryun—sick or well—he is the only man in the world to have beaten him in a serious race since August of 1965.
They have met three times. A year ago last winter Patrick beat Ryun in the half mile in Detroit, setting the world indoor record of 1:48.9. (Ryun had run the mile earlier in the evening.) This February, in Madison Square Garden. Ryun whipped Patrick in the mile. (Patrick was hindered by a hairline fracture in his right foot.) A few weeks ago in Fresno, Patrick anchored Villanova to victory over Kansas and Ryun in the two-mile relay. (Ryun made up 15 yards on Patrick, but the latter, who had been handed a 50-yard lead, was not pressed into going all out.)

As a youngster Patrick played baseball, football and basketball. When he was 15 and a sophomore at Kenwood High School he began running cross-country and then the mile upon the urging of his older brother. Leonard, then a half-miler at the University of Maryland. "My brother always told me that half-milers are a dime a dozen, but good milers are hard to find." Patrick says. In his senior year Patrick stepped on a horseshoe peg and rammed it into his left leg. The wound required 12 stitches and then became infected. "I didn't think I would run again," he says. "When I got over it, I favored the leg and then threw my hip out three times."
Three colleges, Maryland, Tennessee and Villanova, were after Patrick, and although he at first found the idea of a Catholic school somewhat strange, he selected Villanova because it was only 90 miles from home and, more importantly, because Jumbo Jim Elliott, the track coach, is "miles ahead of any other coach."
Villanova is run by the Augustinians, of whom the most famous or notorious, depending upon one's point of view, is Martin Luther. "Luther," says Jim Murray, the puckish sports publicity director, "dropped out to start the AFL. Now, after 400 years, we're working on a merger." Elliott, who is fast to agree with Patrick or anyone else that he is miles ahead of any other coach, is a peppery, voluble Irish-American. "Any damn boat I'm in is always rocking!" he exclaims, bursting into a loud laugh. Under his stern but beneficent hand, Villanova has compiled an impressive record in track; indeed, the college does not have room to display all the trophies the team has won. "Terrible!" complains Elliott. "Print that! I'm taken for granted!" Despite such talk, Elliott would never leave his alma mater, and he watches over his boys like a shrewd monsignor. He has a high regard for Patrick. "As good as Dave is as a runner," Elliott says, "he's going to be even more of a success in his life."
Unfortunately, Patrick's running career has, until recently, been hampered by injuries or illness. First he hurt a tendon in his ankle, then his tonsils became infected and then last winter he suffered the fracture in his foot. In between ailments he has shown flashes of genuine brilliance, such as his record half mile against Ryun. This year, his senior year, he was appointed captain of the track team. When Negro members talked of boycotting the important New York Athletic Club indoor meet, Elliott let Patrick and the team members decide what course to take. The team voted 16-0 by secret ballot not to go. "I know because I counted the votes," Patrick says. "There were two reasons. We thought the New York AC was doing itself an injustice by not letting Negroes in the organization. We also thought that we have such a great team feeling that we didn't want to take a chance and try to split any views. We function as a team, and we should go or not go as a team. We decided not to go. Although some athletes may excel more than others, the team feeling is what we strive for."
Patrick takes his beliefs very seriously. Although he was not formally raised in any denomination he became very much involved with the nationwide Campus Crusade for Christ in his junior year, when representatives of the Athletes in Action branch called upon him. "It seemed like it came right out of the blue, because I wasn't attending church or wasn't even thinking about Christ," he says. "Then these people came to me. It was a great event in my life. I feel that after I asked Christ in my life, I can feel more love. Not just between me and all the fellows on the Villanova track team, but for anybody I meet, even if they don't want to love me." Since joining the Campus Crusade for Christ, Patrick has spoken and given his testimony before other athletes, and last summer he worked as a supervisor in a reform school, where he held a track meet and gave away his own gold, silver and bronze medals to the winners. "I'd like to go back there," he says. "I'd like a chance to try to change the lives of those boys. They're mostly from broken homes, and they don't know where they are or where they're going."
Patrick received a B.S. degree in business administration this May, but he will continue to train at Villanova for the Olympic trials June 29 and 30. He loves the Main Line area, and in the mornings he runs various training loops of from four to 10 miles. His favorite is the 10-mile loop, nicknamed the frolic loop. "I named it the frolic loop," Patrick says, "because every time I run it I run it to enjoy myself and to have a good time. If I feel like walking, I'll stop and walk. I'll stop by the duck pond and look at the ducks for a while. Once we were running along, and I saw this big log on the side of the road. I picked it up over my head and dropped it. About 15 white mice came running out! I thought they were rats attacking me. Sometimes on this big loop, Frank Murphy [a miler from Ireland] and I stop to feed the goats, just to have a good time. There's this one house with this big backyard, and they have two goats. This is up a gigantic hill, over half a mile up, and a lot of guys in cross-country run it for hill work. We stop at apple trees and eat the apples. It's great. We love it. That's what makes it really fun, you know. When you can run and have fun, that's it. There are two golf courses around here, too, and we run by the golfers hollering 'Fore!' but they don't care, we have permission. At a lot of places, if people see a guy running, they'll say ha, ha, make wisecracks. Around here they know we're on Villanova's track team, and they just look at you wondering who you are. We go by a cow pasture, through the country, by gigantic trees, big estates on the left and right. You just enjoy yourself. It's nice running through the country up and down hills."

Patrick and Jumbo Elliott are fairly certain that Patrick will go for the 1,500 meters instead of the 800 meters in the Olympic trials. Patrick himself is optimistic about his chances in the 1,500 meters, because it is almost 120 yards shorter than the mile. "I think the shorter distance helps me, because I can start my kick a little earlier," he says. "I consider myself more or less a half-miler and miler, so the 1,500 meters is in between. I like the 1,500 meters better than the mile because I feel that I have a lot more speed and endurance. Anything over a mile I wouldn't like to run because I don't consider myself a miler-two miler."
As Elliott sees it, Patrick is about "90% ready" for the trials. A couple of weeks ago Patrick and Frank Murphy wanted to run a sub-four-minute mile in a triangular meet so that Murphy could get a qualifying time for the Irish team. The day before the meet Elliott told both boys to ease off, and Patrick breezed to a win in 4:02.2. Elliott says, "I don't want him to extend himself, because he's got a lot of good miles to go."
If wishing could make it so, Elliott would give the Olympic gold medal to Patrick, but things are not that easy. " Jim Ryun is the greatest middle-distance runner we've ever seen," says Jumbo. "Dave can be very good, but it would be putting a monkey on the boy's back right now to say he's going to win the gold medal. It's a tough haul, but conceivably he can do it. Anything can happen in five months time. I can visualize Dave winning the 1,500 meters in Mexico." Jumbo Elliott is not a man to toss words around lightly. Before Patrick beat Ryun in the half mile, Jumbo predicted that he would. "I knew that Dave was going to win because I knew that he was a better runner than Ryun indoors," Jumbo says. "Dave gets more out of indoor board running than Jim Ryun does."
Patrick recognizes the task before him. " Ryun has speed, he has endurance, he has everything," he says. "To say that he's devoid of strength or speed would be ironic. That's like saying the sun's not shining right. But I hope and pray, I'm praying now, that in the months to come I can just turn into something more than what I am now." And then Patrick adds, "When you're a youngster in high school, you dream of running in college. When you're in college you dream of setting records. But then there's the Olympics. You always dream of winning in the Olympics."
Friday, February 24, 2012
Eamonn Coghlan's 1981 WR 3:50.6 Indoor Mile Remembered

Written by
Nick Canepa
San Diego Union Telegraph
It was 31 years ago this week when Eamonn Coghlan became an Irish storm, when he ran beyond the hype … by a mile.
Magic was done on the Sports Arena boards on Feb. 21, 1981, and if you were there and didn’t hear the thunder and weren’t blinded by the lightning, if your palms weren’t wet and goose bumps jumping, you were not of this earth. As it was, on that night, this son of Ireland seemed all alone on it.
I’ve been on this newspaper for 40 years, which accounts for so many memories being stored, some put away back in the stacks, a few closer to the window. But when I’m asked to name my greatest sporting moment on San Diego turf, I don’t have to rifle through my card catalog.
I was with the Chargers in Green Bay when Steve Garvey hit the home run. I saw it live on TV in a hotel room, but it wasn’t the same as being there, because those who were have said Qualcomm Stadium hadn’t rocked like that before or since.
There have been so many memorable Chargers games, the 1994 playoff win here over Miami being near the top (the great 1981 playoff win over the Dolphins doesn’t apply). BYU’s stunning, 11th-hour comeback over SMU in the 1980 Holiday Bowl probably was the greatest football game I’ve seen in person. I didn’t attend Ali-Norton. Tiger Woods’ U.S. Open win at Torrey Pines was dramatic and magnificent. There was UCLA’s semifinal win over Louisville in the 1975 Final Four. So many more wonderful moments.

If you’re new to this area or too young to remember, track and field once was a huge deal here. Major meets in Balboa Stadium provided many national and international outdoor highlights. But, for whatever reason, the 11-laps-to-the-mile boards in the Sports Arena were the fastest in the world (other venues tried to copy them, to no avail), so promoter Al Franken had no problems enticing the best distance runners in the world, Coghlan, John Walker, Filbert Bayi, Henry Rono, Dick Quax, Steve Scott, Steve Prefontaine and on and on.
I saw Rono forget his start time, jump out of the arena stands, pull off his sweat clothes and run the second-fastest 2-mile in history. I saw master showman Prefontaine play the crowd like a mandolin in the 2-mile, just days after he sat on my office desk for an interview, and not long before he was killed in an automobile accident.
But nothing compared to Eamonn’s mile. At the arena in 1979, he had set the world indoor mile record of 3:52.6. By the time he returned to San Diego — Coghlan and his family always spent a great deal of time here before the meet — a world record wasn’t just a thought, it was expected.
"I’m chilled out watching television at a place we always rented on Ocean Front Walk,” Coghlan, 59, is saying over the phone from Dublin, where he now is an Ireland senator. “It’s 6 o’clock and Steve Scott is being interviewed on the news. He says he’s going to kick my butt and make me eat the track. I’m watching this and I wasn’t running until 10 o’clock that night. Good luck, Steve. I never had a doubt I was going to break the world record.”
And so he did. Coghlan’s body and running style were perfectly suited for the indoor boards. He didn’t just break the record. He obliterated it, running 3:50.6, off by himself after rabbit Tiny Kane led the group through a furious pace.

That would come two years later in the New Jersey Meadowlands, when he ran 3:49.78. But that was on a 10-laps-to-the-mile track. Indoor records never are considered “official,” but anyone worth his stopwatch knows that 11-lap records are preferred over 10.
“It’s absolutely harder to run on an 11-laps-to-the-mile track,” he says. “Those tracks are gone now; they run on Tartan tracks with huge straightaways. People don’t have any idea what it was like to run on the boards; no clue.
“I was 5-10, 140, with a low center of gravity. I loved running the tight turns, and the banks in San Diego were steeper than any in North America. You were propelled down the straightaway and I really excelled on the turns.”
He’s a senator now, been one since Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny nominated him in May. But he has that memory.
“I was fortunate to be a part of that era,” he says. “Now, there’s less drama and more money.”
Looking back, the “Chairman of the Boards” says: “I’ll take the drama.”
So will I.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Nicole Schappert on Declared List for USATF Indoors 1500

Former Villanova All-American Nicole Schappert, now running for NYAC, will compete in the 1500 meters at this weekend's USATF Indoor Championships in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Times with an asterisk indicate a mile, not 1500, time.
Women's 1500 meters -- Status of Entries
Jennifer Simpson New Balance 4:07.27 qualified declared
Brenda Martinez New Balance 4:09.96 qualified declared
Margaret Infeld NYAC 4:10.12 qualified declared
Katherine Follett unattached 4:11.51 qualified declared
Lauren Centrowitz New Balance 4:11.90 qualified declared
Sara Vaughn unattached 4:13.12 qualified declared
Lauren Bonds adidas Raleigh TC 4:14.66 qualified declared
Erin Koch unattached 4:21.21 qualified declared
Amanda LoPiccolo Syracuse Chargers TC 4:24.44 qualified declared
Kerri Gallagher unattached 4:25.25 qualified declared
Nicole Schappert NYAC 4:33.16* qualified declared
Lauren Johnson unattached 4:34.80* qualified declared
Mason Cathey Saucony 4:39.55 qualified declared
Kate Grace NJ-NY Track Club 4:40.11* qualified declared
Shayla Houlihan Brooks 4:42.38* qualified declared
Chantelle Dron unattached 4:43.50* qualified declared
Bianca Martin Bowerman AC 4:44.86* qualified declared
Catherine Beck New Balance 4:45.02* qualified declared
Heather Haug unattached 4:45.75* qualified declared
Rose Wetzel Club Northwest 4:46.09* qualified declared
Sara Hall Asics NT accepted declared
Heather Kampf Asics 4:16.76 qualified scratched
Mindy Sullivan unattached 4:46.11* qualified scratched
Kyle Linn MacQueen Greater Boston TC 4:49.74* not qual scratched
Caitlin Bungo Picks Villanova

800 meters: 2:20.00
1500 meters: 4:46.27
1600 meters: 5:02.94
Mile: 5:03.98
3000 meters: 10:34.34
3200 meters: 11:29.61
5000 meters: 19:45.00
Here is a story that appears in today's Pittsburgh Post-Gazette:
North/West Xtra: Sewickley Academy Runner Heading to Villanova
Thursday, February 23, 2012
By Rich Emert, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Caitlin Bungo admits the list of colleges was a bit strange.
It included Villanova, Bucknell, Richmond and Miami of Ohio.
"They really don't seem to have much in common, but that's where I visited and I liked them all for different reasons," said Bungo, a senior at Sewickley Academy and a track and cross country standout for the Panthers.
"Oh my gosh, I didn't think it would be so hard [to make a decision]. There are just so many great schools out there. I just tried to focus on what I thought was important."
She ultimately decided to continue her running career at Villanova, which has a long history of producing All-American runners.
Bungo, who won the WPIAL [western Pennsylvania regional] Class AA cross country title in the fall, was recruited by Villanova coach Gina Procaccio as a middle-distance runner.
She won the 800-meter run in Class AA at the WPIAL track championships last year and was second in the 1,600. At the PIAA meet, she placed third in Class AA in the 1,600 and 10th in the 800.
"I really enjoyed the team and just felt comfortable there," she said when asked about what sold her on Villanova. "I got to meet and sit down with the coach and she told me she tries to keep things relaxed because everyone performs better when they're relaxed."
With her college decision out of the way -- Bungo verbally committed earlier in the month -- she was able to concentrate on running well at the Tri-State Track and Field Coaches Association Indoor Championships, which she did.
The indoor meet was held this past Saturday at Edinboro University and Bungo finished first in the 800-meter run and fourth in the mile. She edged North Hills senior Margo Malone in the 800, finishing in 2 minutes, 21.6 seconds. Malone ran 2:21.8.
In the mile, Bungo finished in 5:07.8. Homer Center senior Angel Piccirillo, who is also a Villanova recruit, was first in an outstanding time of 4:54.83. Malone was second at 5:04.4 with Norwin's Autumn Greba third in 5:05.81. Mary Malone, Margo's younger sister and North Hills teammate, was sixth in 5:11.68.
"I was happy with how I ran," said Bungo when asked about the indoor championships. "I had a [personal record] in the mile, so I was happy about that and winning the 800 against Margo was great. I've been trying to get under 2:20 in the 800 but haven't been able to do it yet and that's been a little frustrating. Hopefully, that will happen."
Bungo will compete in the Pennsylvania Track and Field Coaches Association state championship meet Saturday at Penn State University's multi-purpose indoor facility. She is entered in only the 3,000-meter run and is seeded 11th with a time of 10:34.34. Piccirillo is seeded first at 10:06.20.
"I haven't run the 3,000 that much and I wanted to do it to see what I could do," she said. "I just wanted to run one race there. That seemed like enough."
Bungo had an opportunity to talk with future teammate Piccirillo at the TSTCA indoor championships this past weekend. She said she will keep an eye on Piccirillo's times during the outdoor track season that will get underway in late March.
"It was good to meet her and we're both excited about going to Villanova. It will be great to be on the same team as her," Bungo said.
She added that it is a relief to have her college decision out of the way.
"I can just go out and focus on getting some PRs. I'd like to get under 5 minutes in the mile and under that 2:20 in the 800," Bungo said. "I'm happy with my decision and knowing where I'll be next year."
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Kelsey Margey in Brooks PR Invitational Mile in Seattle

Villanova signee Kelsey Margey (Long Island, NY) will compete in the invitational girls mile at the Brooks PR Invitational. The meet will take place on February 26th in Seattle (at the University of Washington's over-sized track) and will be streamed live on FloTrack. Here's the start list for the race.
Girls Mile
Maddie Meyers SR The Northwest School Seattle, WA
Kelsey Margey SR Friends Academy Locust Valley, NY
Nikki Hiltz JR Aptos High School Aptos, CA
Molly Siedel JR University Lake High School Hartland, WI
Haley Meier JR Grosse Pointe South HS Gross Pointe Farms, MI
Rachel Paul SR Sachem High School East Farmingville, NY
Allison Sturges SR Mountain View High School Mountain View, CA
Kelly Lawson JR La Costa Canyon High School Carlsbad, CA
Monday, February 20, 2012
What We Learned from the Big East Indoor Meet
The Villanova men and women's teams acquitted themselves well at the Big East Indoor Championship meet over the weekend; the women were third and the men fourth in the team standings. Several things became clear as the meet progressed:
(1) Sam Ellison is a monster. First, even though he did not win the 500 meter dash, Ellison ran 1:01.17 - faster than reigning Olympic 400 meter gold medalist LaShawn Merritt ran that distance on the same track a week ago. It took an world-leading time and collegiate record to beat him. He then anchored the men's 4 x 800 meter relay squad and unleashed a late ferocious kick to split 1:49 and win the conference title for the Villanova men. Only a sophomore, the next 2.5 years of Sam Ellison should be fun to watch.
(2) Emily Lipari really does have good closing speed (but we already know that). The shortest runner in every race she's in, Lipari's kick is really devastating and has to be demoralizing to her competitors. Lipari won the 1000 meters over the weekend and anchored the women's 4 x 800 relay in a similar fashion -- maintain contact with the leaders until 200 meters to go, and then employ the extra gear to catapult herself to the lead. She split a super 2:05.8 over 800 meters in the DMR on Saturday. Also only a sophomore, there's a very high ceiling on her future accomplishments.
(3) Bogdana Mimic is the least ballyhooed great runner in recent Villanova history. Running for years in the sizable shadows of Sheila Reid and, to a lesser extent, Amanda Marino, Mimic has quietly put together multiple All-American performances, conference championships, and NCAA finals. She won the 5000 meters title this weekend. Her career is reminiscent of that of Ryan Hayden, who played Robin to Adrian Blincoe's Batman in the previous decade.
(4) Sam McEntee -- already a 3:57 miler before his 20th birthday -- has great versatility, from 800 meters to 5000 meters to 10K cross country. He's been on campus only 14 months and is already a key pillar of the team. He split 1:51 on the third leg of the 4 x 800, giving Villanova and Sam Ellison a chance to overtake the Notre Dame anchor, and ran a close second to defending Big East champion (and 2011 NCAA 1500 meter finalist) Jeremy Rae in the mile. McEntee is one of only 10 men in the NCAA with an automatic qualifier in the mile for the NCAA indoor championship meet.

5) Villanova has plenty of milers. The men qualified four -- Sam McEntee, Joe LoRusso, Dan Harris, and Alex Tully -- for the Big East mile final. Not to mention the additional five men who qualified for the mile, but ran in other races. As for the women, six qualified for the conference meet in the mile. Stephanie Schappert took third in the final, with Nicky Akande seventh. The Villanova women's best miler -- Emily Lipari -- didn't even compete at that distance, going instead to the 1000 meters, which she won. All told, Villanova qualified 15 milers for the Big East championship meet.

5) Villanova has plenty of milers. The men qualified four -- Sam McEntee, Joe LoRusso, Dan Harris, and Alex Tully -- for the Big East mile final. Not to mention the additional five men who qualified for the mile, but ran in other races. As for the women, six qualified for the conference meet in the mile. Stephanie Schappert took third in the final, with Nicky Akande seventh. The Villanova women's best miler -- Emily Lipari -- didn't even compete at that distance, going instead to the 1000 meters, which she won. All told, Villanova qualified 15 milers for the Big East championship meet.
Stephanie Schappert Provides Nova Surprise of the Weekend

Villanova freshman Stephanie Schappert entered this weekend's Big East Indoor Championships meet as the 34th fastest conference miler, and had the 4th fastest mile time on her own team. She qualified for the mile final on Saturday with the 11th best preliminary time of 4:54.50. Yet she emerged from the meet as an All Big East performer and made the podium with a third place finish in the final and a new mile PR of 4:48.90. Aside from the performance of Georgetown's Emily Infeld, who ran to a solo victory well ahead of the rest of the field, the rest of the women seemed to concede the race to Infeld and run strategically for the other top spots. That strategy played well into Schappert's strengths as an 800 meter runner and she was able to charge home for third.
Event 13 Women 1 Mile Run
MEET: M 4:34.78 2/22/2009 Keri Bland, W Virginia
ECAC Qual: E 4:59.04
NCAA Auto: A 4:37.00
ARMORY C: C 4:32.95 2011 Lucy Van Dalen, W Virginia
Name Year School Finals Points
1 152 Emily Infeld JR GEORGETOWN 4:43.57E 10
2 104 Heather Wilson SR CONNECTICUT 4:47.50E 8
3 598 Stephanie Schappert FR VILLANOVA 4:48.90E 6
4 256 Alexa Aragon SO NOTRE DAME 4:49.04E 5
5 404 Emily Sisson FR PROVIDENCE 4:49.52E 4
6 95 Shauna McNiff JR CONNECTICUT 4:51.47E 3
7 141 Madeline Chambers FR GEORGETOWN 4:52.20E 2
8 271 Kelly Curran SO NOTRE DAME 4:53.15E 1
9 570 Nicky Akande SO VILLANOVA 4:53.20E
10 163 Kelsey Smith FR GEORGETOWN 4:55.82E
11 301 Meg Ryan SO NOTRE DAME 4:57.33E
12 406 Grace Thek SO PROVIDENCE 4:57.38E
McEntee Second at Big East Mile
Well, the "glass half full" version of this Big East mile championship race is that Sam McEntee improved his 2011 Big East mile finish from 6th (4:10.61) last year to a close second (4:05.92) this year. The "glass half empty" part of the story, however, is that McEntee learned the same lesson absorbed last year by Matt Gibney: it's not very easy to run down Notre Dame's Jeremy Rae. Rae, the defending conference champion indoors, was shadowed by McEntee throughout the race, but McEntee could not get past Rae on the final lap. As in last year's race, when Rae beat Gibney by .36 seconds, Rae created separation from McEntee and had just enough turnover to keep the Villanova sophomore at bay. This time McEntee made a serious move off the final turn, but Rae -- an NCAA 1500 meter finalist outdoors in 2011 -- subtly moved out to lane 2 to thwart the effort, beating McEntee by .44 seconds. Villanova travels to Notre Dame in two weekends, providing McEntee a chance at revenge.
Joe LoRusso was 7th, Alex Tully 11th, and Danny Harris 12th, as Villanova qualified four men for the mile final.
Event 14 Men 1 Mile Run
MEET: M 4:00.12 2/22/2008 Kurt Benninger, Notre Dame
IC4A Qual.: I 4:14.90
NCAA Auto: A 3:57.90
ARMORY C: C 3:54.54 2012 Miles Batty, BYU
Name Year School Finals Points
1 1059 Jeremy Rae JR NOTRE DAME 4:05.48I 10
2 1281 Sam McEntee SO VILLANOVA 4:05.92I 8
3 830 Joe Clark JR CONNECTICUT 4:08.32I 6
4 1048 J.P. Malette JR NOTRE DAME 4:10.55I 5
5 978 Jack Hackett SR MARQUETTE 4:11.30I 4
6 900 Ben Furcht SO GEORGETOWN 4:11.35I 3
7 1278 Joseph LoRusso JR VILLANOVA 4:11.74I 2
8 923 Dylan Sorensen SO GEORGETOWN 4:12.04I 1
9 1249 Joseph Whelan FR SYRACUSE 4:12.20I
10 1120 Corey Brunelle SR PROVIDENCE 4:13.28I
11 1299 Alex Tully SO VILLANOVA 4:13.77I
12 1271 Danny Harris FR VILLANOVA 4:14.47I
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Wildcats Sweep Men's & Women's 4 x 800 Relays at Big East
Showing middle distance depth on both sides of the team, both the Villanova men and women used sparkling anchor legs to come from behind to win Big East titles in the 4 x 800 meters.
On the men's side, Sam Ellison took the baton 2 seconds in arrears to the Notre Dame anchor, Randall Babb. Ellison stayed in contact for 600 meters before unleashing a devastating kick to lead Villanova to the win. Sam McEntee, doubling back from a second-place finish in the mile, ran a clutch third leg to bring Villanova from fourth to second at the start of the anchor leg. The relay splits for the men were Brian Tetreault (1:53.6), Chris FitzSimons (1:53.1), Sam McEntee (1:51.4) and Sam Ellison (1:49.4).

4x800m Relay
Meet Record: 7:25.31, Notre Dame (2011)
Armory Collegiate Record: 7:25.47, Columbia (2012)
Qualifiers: IC4A — 7:53.00.
Finals • Sun., 2:45 pm
1 Villanova 7:27.91 10
1) 1296 Brian Tetreault SR 2) 1269 Christopher Fitzsimons FR
3) 1281 Sam McEntee SO 4) 1268 Samuel Ellison SO
2 Notre Dame 7:28.57 8
1) 1065 Johnathan Shawel SR 2) 1071 Zac Suriano SR
3) 1059 Jeremy Rae JR 4) 1012 Randall Babb SR
3 UConn 7:32.57 5.50
1) 825 Alex Bennatan JR 2) 843 Scott Johnson SR
3) 830 Joe Clark JR 4) 826 Tim Bennatan JR
3 Georgetown 7:32.57 5.50
1) 916 Bobby Peavey SO 2) 927 Toby Ulm SR
3) 918 Michael Reher FR 4) 906 Omar Kaddurah FR
5 Pitt 7:34.10 4
1) 1099 Samuel Negley SO 2) 1109 Wesley Washington JR
3) 1089 Kevin Hull JR 4) 1083 Dontave Cowsette SR
6 DePaul 7:38.24 3
1) 866 Maxwell Clink JR 2) 872 Luke Junk SO
3) 880 Ian Sanchez SO 4) 877 Chris Miedema SO
7 Marquette 7:45.23 2
1) 995 Evan Ross JR 2) 999 Benjamin Schmitz JR
3) 997 David Sajdak FR 4) 978 Jack Hackett SR
8 Rutgers 7:47.18 1
1) 1168 Karon Purcell SO 2) 1165 Monroe Kearns JR
3) 1157 Hamer Farag SO 4) 1170 Curtis Richburg SO
9 Providence 7:55.00
1) 1137 Nikolas Rebovich JR 2) 1133 Phelan McCormack FR
3) 1120 Corey Brunelle SR 4) 1140 Alex Wallace JR
-- Syracuse DNF
1) 1210 Sean Carney FR 2) 1235 Andrew Nelson JR
3) 1207 Andy Bennison FR 4) 1246 Ryan Urie
A similar story unfolded for the women's quartet. Notre Dame led throughout, and Emily Lipari got the last handoff in third place. She quickly got on the heels of Notre Dame's Rebecca Tracy. Lipari sat on Tracy until the final lap and showed her customary closing speed in passing Tracy for the win. The Villanova women split this way: Stephanie Schappert (2:11.5), Nicky Akande (2:07.6), Ariann Neutts (2:10.6), and Emily Lipari (2:08.7), for a time of 8:38.55.

4x800m Relay
Meet Record: 8:37.02, Villanova (1991)
Armory Collegiate Record: 8:37.97, BYU (2012)
Qualifiers: ECAC — 9:25.24.
Finals • Sun., 2:35 pm
1 Villanova 8:38.55 10
1) 598 Stephanie Schappert FR 2) 570 Nicky Akande SO
3) 593 Ariann Neutts JR 4) 585 Emily Lipari SO
2 Notre Dame 8:39.24 8
1) 271 Kelly Curran SO 2) 256 Alexa Aragon SO
3) 305 McKinzie Schulz SO 4) 309 Rebecca Tracy JR
3 Georgetown 8:42.95 6
1) 140 Lauren Borduin SR 2) 160 Hannah Neczypor FR
3) 143 Chelsea Cox SO 4) 162 Rachel Schneider JR
4 UConn 8:43.89 5
1) 81 Shelby Donahue SR 2) 78 Meghan Cunningham SR
3) 104 Heather Wilson SR 4) 93 Brigitte Mania JR
5 Cincinnati 8:51.06 4
1) 29 Kaitlyn Good SO 2) 33 Jenna Heaton SR
3) 36 Katie Honigford SR 4) 38 Kathy Klump SR
6 Syracuse 9:02.63 3
1) 539 Molly Malone FR 2) 557 Brenna Symoniak SO
3) 529 Katie Hursey SR 4) 562 Beth Wright FR
7 Rutgers 9:03.33 2
1) 426 Christina Dibernardo FR 2) 424 Ashley Deckert SO
3) 440 Allison Payenski FR 4) 441 Victoria Pontecorvo JR
8 Providence 9:06.44 1
1) 400 Devyn Pryor FR 2) 395 Jackie McCarthy SO
3) 388 Laura Isabelle SO 4) 389 Caile Kohlbrenner FR
9 Pitt 9:08.34
1) 353 Korinne Piper JR 2) 352 Morgan Perry FR
3) 338 Miya Johnson SR 4) 341 Elizabeth Kline JR
10 Marquette 9:10.61
1) 2) 236 Krista McClure FR
3) 235 Grace Magliola SO 4) 245 Mackenzie Vicker FR
11 West Virginia 9:10.85
1) 611 Stephanie Aldea JR 2) 620 Shannen Daly FR
3) 616 Kaylyn Christopher SR 4) 618 Josie Crouch FR
12 Louisville 9:12.50
1) 199 Michelle Molodynia FR 2) 183 Madie Davidson SO
3) 198 Cassie Martin JR 4) 186 Maria Frigo SO
13 St. John's 9:15.62
1) 462 Michelle Duffy JR 2) 458 Alexis Bean SO
3) 460 Nicole Cocozza JR 4) 481 Aryon Trujillo JR
Emily Lipari Wins Big East Title in 1000 Meters

Sophomore Emily Lipari won her first individual conference title this morning, winning the 1000 meters handily in 2:46.94. Lipari crushed her previous 1000 PR (2:49.06) by over two seconds, coming from 3rd or 4th place through 800 meters Her teammate Ariann Neutts ran from the front for much of the race and finished fourth, two seconds back. Combined they scored 15 team points for the women.
1000m Run
Meet Record: 2:43.70, Sheila Reid, Villanova (2011)
Armory Collegiate Record: 2:44.34, Charlene Lipsey, LSU (2012)
Qualifiers: ECAC — 2:56.24.
Finals • Sun., 11:20 am
1 585 Emily Lipari SO Villanova 2:46.94 10
2 539 Molly Malone FR Syracuse 2:48.58 8
3 162 Rachel Schneider JR Georgetown 2:48.63 6
4 593 Ariann Neutts JR Villanova 2:48.82 5
5 275 Emily Frydrych FR Notre Dame 2:49.21 4
6 160 Hannah Neczypor FR Georgetown 2:50.45 3
7 140 Lauren Borduin SR Georgetown 2:50.49 2
8 78 Meghan Cunningham SR UConn 2:52.44 1
9 83 Stephanie Ellis SO UConn 3:02.44
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Hugo Beamish & Bogdana Mimic Win Big East 5000 Crowns
In day 1 results from the Big East Indoor Championships at the Armory in New York, Villanova's Hugo Beamish led a 1-2 Villanova finish in the men's 5000 meters, winning in 14:06.40. In winning, Beamish defended his 2011 5000 meter conference title. It was Beamish's first race of the season and, as the video shows, he owed teammate Ryan Sheridan a debt for doing much of the work from the front. Sheridan and Beamish separated themselves from the chase pack earlier on and methodically went about their business. Sheridan towed Beamish all the way past the 4000 meter mark before Beamish went by at with 520 meters to go to win his second consecutive Big East Indoor 5000 title (he won last year in 14:16.11). Ryan Sheridan was second in 14:10.73. Matt Kane added another team point, in finishing eighth. On the women's side, Bogdana Mimic won a duel to the tape with Providence's Laura Nagel, winning 16:25.53 to 16:25.81. In other noteworthy developments, the women's DMR squad of Courtney Chapman (3:30.4), Faith Dismuke (57.2), Emily Lipari (2:05.8), and Nicky Akande (4:39.9) took second, while the men's DMR -- Chris O'Sullivan (3:01), Bryan Murphy (48.6), Brian Tetreault (1:53.1), and Mathew Mildenhall (4:06.4) -- took third. Women's pole vaulter Alex Wasik (3.95 m) took second place, with Mel Meggiolaro (3.60 m) and Kathleen McPhillips (3.60 m) tied for 7th. Kathleen Petruzzelis finished 8th in the pentathlon, providing a team point for the women's squad. Finally, senior Frank Anuszewski finished third in the weight throw after his 61' 6.75" throw.

Finals • Sat., 4:55 pm
1 1258 Hugo Beamish JR Villanova 14:06.40 10
2 1292 Ryan Sheridan SR Villanova 14:10.73 8
3 1252 Jace Lowry FR Syracuse 14:13.09 6
4 1219 Martin Hehir FR Syracuse 14:13.49 5
5 911 Alexander Lundy SR Georgetown 14:14.57 4
6 870 Matthew Graham SR DePaul 14:17.12 3
7 1236 Andrew Palmer FR Syracuse 14:21.57 2
8 1274 Matthew Kane JR Villanova 14:22.73 1
9 910 TC Lumbar SR Georgetown 14:26.98
10 899 Mark Dennin JR Georgetown 14:28.39
11 1212 Pat Dupont JR Syracuse 14:28.94
12 1121 Lee Carey JR Providence 14:31.45
13 907 Brian King FR Georgetown 14:37.69
14 980 Blake Johnson SR Marquette 14:39.76
15 971 Connor Callahan JR Marquette 14:46.68
16 1041 Jake Kildoo FR Notre Dame 14:49.42
17 1047 Jeff MacMillan JR Notre Dame 14:50.57
18 846 Ryan McGuire SO UConn 14:57.30
19 941 Gordon Dooley JR Louisville 15:08.02
20 1283 Greg Morrin SO Villanova 15:12.79
21 977 Bob Guthrie SO Marquette 15:13.33
22 1046 Kelly Lynch SR Notre Dame 15:17.11
Finals • Sat., 4:30 pm
1 591 Bogdana Mimic JR Villanova 16:25.53 10
2 397 Laura Nagel SO Providence 16:25.81 8
3 547 Lauren Penney JR Syracuse 16:38.31 6
4 195 Holly Knight SR Louisville 16:38.54 5
5 153 Emily Jones SO Georgetown 16:39.25 4
6 623 Katie Gillespie SO West Virginia 16:42.41 3
7 311 Rachel Velarde SR Notre Dame 16:50.49 2
8 641 Jessica O'Connell SR West Virginia 16:59.25 1
9 521 Natalie Busby SR Syracuse 17:03.70
10 529 Katie Hursey SR Syracuse 17:06.18
11 503 Allie Prendergast SR South Florida 17:10.64
12 402 Samantha Roecker JR Providence 17:11.88
13 632 Ahna Lewis SR West Virginia 17:14.43
14 303 Jessica Rydberg JR Notre Dame 17:21.98
15 532 Lauren Kersjes SO Syracuse 17:27.43
16 602 Megan Venables FR Villanova 17:32.29
17 425 Brianna Deming SO Rutgers 17:39.16
Friday, February 17, 2012
Big East Heat Sheets -- Villanova Women

Event 2 Indoor Pentathlon: #1 Women 60 Meter Hurdles
Saturday 2/18/2012 - 8:00 AM
Name Year School
Section 1 Timed Finals
2 494 Rachel Etienne SR SOUTH FLORIDA
4 14 Dominique Best SO CINCINNATI
6 492 Lindsay Arnold SO SOUTH FLORIDA
8 510 Alex Ware SR SOUTH FLORIDA
Section 2 Timed Finals
2 24 Jasmine Cotten SR CINCINNATI
4 420 Kristen Bradley SO RUTGERS
6 290 Carly Loeffel FR NOTRE DAME
Section 3 Timed Finals
2 447 Emily Vargas SO RUTGERS
4 29 Kaitlyn Good SO CINCINNATI
6 341 Elizabeth Kline JR PITTSBURGH
8 180 Kim Cardeiro SO LOUISVILLE
Section 4 Timed Finals
2 356 Natalie Ryan JR PITTSBURGH
4 267 Maddie Buttinger SR NOTRE DAME
6 166 Autumn Touchstone SR GEORGETOWN
8 594 Katherine Petruzzelis FR VILLANOVA
Event 2 Indoor Pentathlon: #1 Women 60 Meter Hurdles
Saturday 2/18/2012 - 8:00 AM
Name Year School
Section 1 Timed Finals
2 494 Rachel Etienne SR SOUTH FLORIDA
4 14 Dominique Best SO CINCINNATI
6 492 Lindsay Arnold SO SOUTH FLORIDA
8 510 Alex Ware SR SOUTH FLORIDA
Section 2 Timed Finals
2 24 Jasmine Cotten SR CINCINNATI
4 420 Kristen Bradley SO RUTGERS
6 290 Carly Loeffel FR NOTRE DAME
Section 3 Timed Finals
2 447 Emily Vargas SO RUTGERS
4 29 Kaitlyn Good SO CINCINNATI
6 341 Elizabeth Kline JR PITTSBURGH
8 180 Kim Cardeiro SO LOUISVILLE
Section 4 Timed Finals
2 356 Natalie Ryan JR PITTSBURGH
4 267 Maddie Buttinger SR NOTRE DAME
6 166 Autumn Touchstone SR GEORGETOWN
8 594 Katherine Petruzzelis FR VILLANOVA
Event 2 Indoor Pentathlon: #3 Women Shot Put
Saturday 2/18/2012 - 10:30 AM
Name Year School
Flight 1 Finals
1 166 Autumn Touchstone SR GEORGETOWN
2 420 Kristen Bradley SO RUTGERS
3 29 Kaitlyn Good SO CINCINNATI
4 180 Kim Cardeiro SO LOUISVILLE
5 594 Katherine Petruzzelis FR VILLANOVA
6 290 Carly Loeffel FR NOTRE DAME
7 341 Elizabeth Kline JR PITTSBURGH
8 24 Jasmine Cotten SR CINCINNATI
9 267 Maddie Buttinger SR NOTRE DAME
10 510 Alex Ware SR SOUTH FLORIDA
11 494 Rachel Etienne SR SOUTH FLORIDA
12 492 Lindsay Arnold SO SOUTH FLORIDA
13 447 Emily Vargas SO RUTGERS
14 14 Dominique Best SO CINCINNATI
15 356 Natalie Ryan JR PITTSBURGH
Event 2 Indoor Pentathlon: #4 Women Long Jump
Saturday 2/18/2012 - 11:45 AM
Name Year School
Flight 1 Finals
1 420 Kristen Bradley SO RUTGERS
2 594 Katherine Petruzzelis FR VILLANOVA
3 447 Emily Vargas SO RUTGERS
4 166 Autumn Touchstone SR GEORGETOWN
5 14 Dominique Best SO CINCINNATI
6 494 Rachel Etienne SR SOUTH FLORIDA
7 29 Kaitlyn Good SO CINCINNATI
8 290 Carly Loeffel FR NOTRE DAME
9 492 Lindsay Arnold SO SOUTH FLORIDA
10 341 Elizabeth Kline JR PITTSBURGH
11 356 Natalie Ryan JR PITTSBURGH
12 267 Maddie Buttinger SR NOTRE DAME
13 510 Alex Ware SR SOUTH FLORIDA
14 180 Kim Cardeiro SO LOUISVILLE
15 24 Jasmine Cotten SR CINCINNATI
Event 2 Indoor Pentathlon: #5 Women 800 Meter Run
Saturday 2/18/2012 - 1:00 PM
Name Year School
Section 1 Timed Finals
1 510 Alex Ware SR SOUTH FLORIDA
2 24 Jasmine Cotten SR CINCINNATI
3 356 Natalie Ryan JR PITTSBURGH
4 594 Katherine Petruzzelis FR VILLANOVA
5 166 Autumn Touchstone SR GEORGETOWN
6 29 Kaitlyn Good SO CINCINNATI
7 14 Dominique Best SO CINCINNATI
8 494 Rachel Etienne SR SOUTH FLORIDA
9 420 Kristen Bradley SO RUTGERS
10 180 Kim Cardeiro SO LOUISVILLE
11 447 Emily Vargas SO RUTGERS
12 492 Lindsay Arnold SO SOUTH FLORIDA
13 290 Carly Loeffel FR NOTRE DAME
14 267 Maddie Buttinger SR NOTRE DAME
15 341 Elizabeth Kline JR PITTSBURGH
Event 3 Women 60 Meter Hurdles
8 Advance: Top 1 Each Heat plus Next 6 Best Times
Saturday 2/18/2012 - 12:00 PM
MEET: 8.04 1999 Yolanda McCray, Miami
ECAC Qual.: 8.80
NCAA Auto: 8.10
ARMORY C: 7.97 2012 Brianna Rollins, Bridgette Owens, Clemson
Name Year School
Heat 1 Prelims
1 604 Emerald Walden FR VILLANOVA
2 100 Madalayne Smith SO CONNECTICUT
3 18 Paris Campbell SR CINCINNATI
4 161 Diana Sainvil SO GEORGETOWN
5 258 Kaila Barber FR NOTRE DAME
6 32 DanHeisha Harding JR CINCINNATI
7 257 Jade Barber FR NOTRE DAME
Heat 2 Prelims
1 442 Meagan Robinson FR RUTGERS
2 306 Nevada Sorenson JR NOTRE DAME
3 647 Chene Townsend JR WEST VIRGINIA
4 605 Shericka Ward SR VILLANOVA
5 53 Je'Rica Sanders FR CINCINNATI
6 535 Sa'De Lewis SO SYRACUSE
7 72 Shavon Briscoe SO CONNECTICUT
Event 5 Women 60 Meter Dash
8 Advance: Top 1 Each Heat plus Next 4 Best Times
Saturday 2/18/2012 - 12:40 PM
MEET: 7.26 2011 Trisha-Ann Hawthorne, Connecticut
ECAC Qual.: 7.68
NCAA Auto: 7.23
ARMORY C: 7.17 2008 Kelly Baptiste, LSU
Name Year School
Heat 1 Prelims
1 583 Varonica Johnson FR VILLANOVA
2 549 Klarrisa Ricks FR SYRACUSE
3 501 Shambrey Oliver SR SOUTH FLORIDA
4 48 Shanay Portis JR CINCINNATI
5 429 Tylia Gillon SO RUTGERS
6 330 Taylor Ellis-Watson FR PITTSBURGH
7 310 Aijah Urssery SO NOTRE DAME
Heat 2 Prelims
1 496 Dariel Jackson JR SOUTH FLORIDA
2 365 Ashley Woodford JR PITTSBURGH
3 471 Rikka Lovely SO ST. JOHN'S
4 155 Amanda Kimbers JR GEORGETOWN
5 31 Morgan Gordon SO CINCINNATI
6 522 Sabrina Cammock FR SYRACUSE
Heat 3 Prelims
1 512 Monique Williams SO SOUTH FLORIDA
2 190 Margret Harris JR LOUISVILLE
3 339 Cambrya Jones SR PITTSBURGH
4 92 Danielle Lyte JR CONNECTICUT
5 533 Ashley Keyes SO SYRACUSE
6 482 Corrine Williams SO ST. JOHN'S
Heat 4 Prelims
1 27 Alyssa Edley JR CINCINNATI
2 165 Tenille Stoudenmire SO GEORGETOWN
3 543 Flings Owusu-Agyapong SR SYRACUSE
4 82 Kewanna Donaldson JR CONNECTICUT
5 509 Melissa Teape JR SOUTH FLORIDA
6 117 Ayesha Ewing FR DEPAUL
7 344 Jonnique Lawrence JR PITTSBURGH
Event 7 Women 500 Meter Dash
10 Advance: Top 1 Each Heat plus Next 6 Best Times
Saturday 2/18/2012 - 1:20 PM
MEET: 1:10.55 2001 Sasha Spencer, Georgetown
ECAC Qual.: 1:16.04
ARMORY C: 1:09.81 2012 Regina George, Arkansas
Name Year School
Heat 1 Prelims
2 650 Brittany Wolford SR WEST VIRGINIA
3 477 Shayna Presley SO ST. JOHN'S
4 314 Megan Yanik SO NOTRE DAME
5 38 Kathy Klump SR CINCINNATI
6 345 Jordan Lee SO PITTSBURGH
Heat 2 Prelims
3 148 London Finley SR GEORGETOWN
4 478 Natasya Rodriquez FR ST. JOHN'S
5 343 Amanda Kuhl SR PITTSBURGH
6 426 Christina Dibernardo FR RUTGERS
Heat 3 Prelims
2 156 Deseree King FR GEORGETOWN
3 225 Kate Hein SO MARQUETTE
4 493 Shaniel Chambers SR SOUTH FLORIDA
5 472 Trudy Mclean JR ST. JOHN'S
Heat 4 Prelims
2 435 Danai Lendor SR RUTGERS
3 474 Claire Mooney FR ST. JOHN'S
4 204 Ahlivia Spencer SO LOUISVILLE
5 579 Faith Dismuke FR VILLANOVA
6 287 Amber Lalla FR NOTRE DAME
Event 9 Women 400 Meter Dash
10 Advance: Top 1 Each Heat plus Next 4 Best Times
Saturday 2/18/2012 - 2:00 PM
MEET: 53.16 2010 Joanna Schultz, Notre Dame
ECAC Qual.: 57.04
NCAA Auto: 52.60
ARMORY C: 51.62 2005 Hazel-Ann Regis, LSU
Name Year School
Heat 1 Prelims
3 603 Christie Verdier SR VILLANOVA
4 72 Shavon Briscoe SO CONNECTICUT
5 612 Jenna Barreto SO WEST VIRGINIA
6 257 Jade Barber FR NOTRE DAME
Heat 2 Prelims
2 227 Gretchen Homan SO MARQUETTE
3 330 Taylor Ellis-Watson FR PITTSBURGH
4 277 Natalie Geiger SR NOTRE DAME
5 122 Lindsey Holden JR DEPAUL
6 427 Gabrielle Farquharson FR RUTGERS
Heat 3 Prelims
3 223 Stephanie Grant SR MARQUETTE
4 84 Celina Emerson SO CONNECTICUT
5 111 Loreal Curtis FR DEPAUL
6 463 Molly Ellis SO ST. JOHN'S
Heat 4 Prelims
3 333 Arielle Fonrose JR PITTSBURGH
4 574 Qualitra Brown FR VILLANOVA
5 79 Tiffany Daley SO CONNECTICUT
6 497 Rachael James JR SOUTH FLORIDA
Heat 5 Prelims
2 179 Hadassah Bruno SR LOUISVILLE
3 90 Nyanka Joseph FR CONNECTICUT
4 344 Jonnique Lawrence JR PITTSBURGH
5 37 Jalisa Jarrett FR CINCINNATI
6 432 Corryn Hurrington SO RUTGERS
Heat 6 Prelims
3 265 Michelle Brown SO NOTRE DAME
4 50 Aricka Rhodes SR CINCINNATI
5 502 Christine Poole-Trice SO SOUTH FLORIDA
6 363 Xauddina Whittington FR PITTSBURGH
Event 11 Women 200 Meter Dash
10 Advance: Top 1 Each Heat plus Next 4 Best Times
Saturday 2/18/2012 - 3:00 PM
MEET: 23.44 1994 Flirtisha Harris, Seton Hall
ECAC Qual.: 25.04
NCAA Auto: 23.21
ARMORY C: 22.98 2011 Jeneba Tarmoh, Texas A&M
Name Year School
Heat 1 Prelims
3 48 Shanay Portis JR CINCINNATI
4 605 Shericka Ward SR VILLANOVA
5 220 Chanel Franklin JR MARQUETTE
6 190 Margret Harris JR LOUISVILLE
Heat 2 Prelims
3 509 Melissa Teape JR SOUTH FLORIDA
4 336 Jordan Hoyt SO PITTSBURGH
5 155 Amanda Kimbers JR GEORGETOWN
6 92 Danielle Lyte JR CONNECTICUT
Heat 3 Prelims
3 330 Taylor Ellis-Watson FR PITTSBURGH
4 443 Asha Ruth SO RUTGERS
5 31 Morgan Gordon SO CINCINNATI
6 310 Aijah Urssery SO NOTRE DAME
Heat 4 Prelims
3 471 Rikka Lovely SO ST. JOHN'S
4 117 Ayesha Ewing FR DEPAUL
5 432 Corryn Hurrington SO RUTGERS
6 165 Tenille Stoudenmire SO GEORGETOWN
Heat 5 Prelims
4 339 Cambrya Jones SR PITTSBURGH
5 482 Corrine Williams SO ST. JOHN'S
6 583 Varonica Johnson FR VILLANOVA
Heat 6 Prelims
3 496 Dariel Jackson JR SOUTH FLORIDA
4 429 Tylia Gillon SO RUTGERS
5 65 Brianna Allen FR CONNECTICUT
6 344 Jonnique Lawrence JR PITTSBURGH
Event 13 Women 1 Mile Run
12 Advance: Top 2 Each Heat plus Next 6 Best Times
Saturday 2/18/2012 - 2:30 AM
MEET: 4:34.78 2/22/2009 Keri Bland, West Virginia
ECAC Qual.: 4:59.04
NCAA Auto: 4:37.00
ARMORY C: 4:34.78 2009 Keri Bland, West Virginia
Name Year School
Heat 1 Prelims
1 271 Kelly Curran SO NOTRE DAME
2 141 Madeline Chambers FR GEORGETOWN
3 624 Jordan Hamric JR WEST VIRGINIA
4 546 Angelica Peck FR SYRACUSE
5 245 Mackenzie Vicker FR MARQUETTE
6 460 Nicole Cocozza JR ST. JOHN'S
7 104 Heather Wilson SR CONNECTICUT
8 441 Victoria Pontecorvo JR RUTGERS
9 405 Julie Solimine FR PROVIDENCE
10 582 Sydney Harris FR VILLANOVA
Heat 2 Prelims
1 301 Meg Ryan SO NOTRE DAME
2 615 Stephanie Caruso SR WEST VIRGINIA
3 570 Nicky Akande SO VILLANOVA
4 633 Sarah Martinelli SO WEST VIRGINIA
5 404 Emily Sisson FR PROVIDENCE
6 163 Kelsey Smith FR GEORGETOWN
7 229 Courtney Kelly SR MARQUETTE
8 95 Shauna McNiff JR CONNECTICUT
9 103 Christine Vogel SR CONNECTICUT
10 406 Grace Thek SO PROVIDENCE
Heat 3 Prelims
1 643 Hallie Portner JR WEST VIRGINIA
2 80 Courtney Dinnan SR CONNECTICUT
3 152 Emily Infeld JR GEORGETOWN
4 536 Maura Linde FR SYRACUSE
5 374 Mary Kate Champagne SR PROVIDENCE
6 445 Jennifer Spitzer JR RUTGERS
7 282 Molly Hirt SR NOTRE DAME
8 598 Stephanie Schappert FR VILLANOVA
9 228 Olivia Johnson SR MARQUETTE
10 256 Alexa Aragon SO NOTRE DAME
Event 15 Women 1000 Meter Run
9 Advance: Top 2 Each Heat plus Next 3 Best Times
Saturday 2/18/2012 - 3:30 PM
FINAL 7-9 up top, 1-6 on starting line
Trials not run in lanes, all to start on line
MEET: 2:43.70 2011 Sheila Reid, Villanova
ECAC Qual.: 2:56.24
ARMORY C: 2:44.39 2010 Sheila Reid, Villanova
Name Year School
Heat 1 Prelims
1 140 Lauren Borduin SR GEORGETOWN
2 83 Stephanie Ellis SO CONNECTICUT
3 498 Christine Johnston SR SOUTH FLORIDA
4 215 Sarah Ball SO MARQUETTE
5 275 Emily Frydrych FR NOTRE DAME
6 593 Ariann Neutts JR VILLANOVA
7 302 Angela Ryck JR NOTRE DAME
Heat 2 Prelims
1 78 Meghan Cunningham SR CONNECTICUT
2 74 Allison Cooper JR CONNECTICUT
3 585 Emily Lipari SO VILLANOVA
4 160 Hannah Neczypor FR GEORGETOWN
5 395 Jackie McCarthy SO PROVIDENCE
6 243 Alyssa Stevens SR MARQUETTE
7 304 Allison Schroeder SR NOTRE DAME
Heat 3 Prelims
1 539 Molly Malone FR SYRACUSE
2 572 Mary Bohi SO VILLANOVA
3 424 Ashley Deckert SO RUTGERS
4 162 Rachel Schneider JR GEORGETOWN
5 33 Jenna Heaton SR CINCINNATI
6 125 Jackie Kasal FR DEPAUL
7 71 Terra Briody FR CONNECTICUT
Event 17 Women 800 Meter Run
9 Advance: Top 2 Each Heat plus Next 5 Best Times
Saturday 2/18/2012 - 4:00 PM
Finals Runners 7-9 up top, 1-6 on starting line
Trials not run in lanes, all to start on line
MEET: 2:06.65 2001 Patricia Pearson, Miami
ECAC Qual.: 2:14.44
NCAA Auto: 2:04.50
ARMORY C: 2:03.56 2012 Nachelle Mackie, BYU
Name Year School
Heat 1 Prelims
1 128 Alex Muller SO DEPAUL
2 38 Kathy Klump SR CINCINNATI
3 601 Leanne Tucker FR VILLANOVA
4 93 Brigitte Mania JR CONNECTICUT
5 597 Erin Ryan SR VILLANOVA
6 167 Kristen Walsh FR GEORGETOWN
Heat 2 Prelims
1 143 Chelsea Cox SO GEORGETOWN
2 305 McKinzie Schulz SO NOTRE DAME
3 573 Amanda Borroughs FR VILLANOVA
4 575 Shannon Browne JR VILLANOVA
5 144 Shanique Dasilva SO GEORGETOWN
Event 19 Women 5000 Meter Run
Saturday 2/18/2012 - 4:30 PM
Runners 1-8 in upper alley, 9-17 on starting line,
MEET: 15:57.22 2/21/2004 Molly Huddle, Notre Dame
ECAC Qual.: 17:33.64
NCAA Auto: 15:57.00
ARMORY C: 15:52.17 2005 Caroline Bierbaum, Columbia
Name Year School
Section 1 Timed Finals
1 303 Jessica Rydberg JR NOTRE DAME
2 529 Katie Hursey SR SYRACUSE
3 547 Lauren Penney JR SYRACUSE
4 503 Allie Prendergast SR SOUTH FLORIDA
5 397 Laura Nagel SO PROVIDENCE
6 591 Bogdana Mimic JR VILLANOVA
7 153 Emily Jones SO GEORGETOWN
8 195 Holly Knight SR LOUISVILLE
9 602 Megan Venables FR VILLANOVA
10 623 Katie Gillespie SO WEST VIRGINIA
11 425 Brianna Deming SO RUTGERS
12 311 Rachel Velarde SR NOTRE DAME
13 632 Ahna Lewis SR WEST VIRGINIA
14 641 Jessica O'Connell SR WEST VIRGINIA
15 402 Samantha Roecker JR PROVIDENCE
16 532 Lauren Kersjes SO SYRACUSE
17 521 Natalie Busby SR SYRACUSE
Event 23 Women 3000 Meter Run
Sunday 2/19/2012 - 2:00 PM
Runners 1-4 upper alley, 5-11 middle alley, 12-20 staring lin
21-24 back line
MEET: 8:55.88 2/22/2004 Kim Smith, Providence
ECAC Qual.: 9:58.94
NCAA Auto: 9:10.00
ARMORY C: 8:56.92 2011 Shelia Reid, Villanova
Name Year School
Section 1 Timed Finals
1 556 Heather Stephens SR SYRACUSE
2 152 Emily Infeld JR GEORGETOWN
3 591 Bogdana Mimic JR VILLANOVA
4 547 Lauren Penney JR SYRACUSE
5 76 Lindsay Crevoiserat FR CONNECTICUT
6 153 Emily Jones SO GEORGETOWN
7 523 Erin Cawley JR SYRACUSE
8 503 Allie Prendergast SR SOUTH FLORIDA
9 377 Hannah Davidson JR PROVIDENCE
10 577 Courtney Chapman FR VILLANOVA
11 154 Kirsten Kasper SO GEORGETOWN
12 504 Nicole Rozario SR SOUTH FLORIDA
13 548 Jessie Petersen FR SYRACUSE
14 91 Allison Lasnicki SO CONNECTICUT
15 311 Rachel Velarde SR NOTRE DAME
16 303 Jessica Rydberg JR NOTRE DAME
17 380 Charlotte FfrenchO'Carroll JR PROVIDENCE
18 195 Holly Knight SR LOUISVILLE
19 163 Kelsey Smith FR GEORGETOWN
20 633 Sarah Martinelli SO WEST VIRGINIA
21 425 Brianna Deming SO RUTGERS
22 301 Meg Ryan SO NOTRE DAME
23 582 Sydney Harris FR VILLANOVA
24 282 Molly Hirt SR NOTRE DAME
Event 29 Women High Jump
Sunday 2/19/2012 - 9:00 AM
PROGRESSION 1.65, 1.70, 1.75, 1.78, 1.81, 1.83, 1.85
MEET: 1.85m 2007 Renee Hein, Cincinnati
ECAC Qual.: 1.70m
NCAA Auto: 1.85m
ARMORY C: 6-01.50 2007 Sarah Wilfred, Cornell
Name Year School
Flight 1 Finals
1 619 Sydney Cummings JR WEST VIRGINIA
2 188 Maggie Gilbertson SO LOUISVILLE
3 29 Kaitlyn Good SO CINCINNATI
4 180 Kim Cardeiro SO LOUISVILLE
5 68 Ilva Bikanova SO CONNECTICUT
6 283 Kendra Jennings JR NOTRE DAME
7 24 Jasmine Cotten SR CINCINNATI
8 607 Samantha Yeats SO VILLANOVA
9 267 Maddie Buttinger SR NOTRE DAME
10 296 Fiona Paladino FR NOTRE DAME
11 649 Katelyn Williams SR WEST VIRGINIA
12 206 Michelle Theophille JR LOUISVILLE
13 490 Courtney Anderson SO SOUTH FLORIDA
14 77 Jasmine Cribb SO CONNECTICUT
15 94 Natasha McLaren SO CONNECTICUT
16 290 Carly Loeffel FR NOTRE DAME
17 201 Megan Schubert SR LOUISVILLE
Event 31 Women Pole Vault
Saturday 2/18/2012 - 2:00 PM
PROGRESSION: 3.45, 3.60, 3.75, 3.85, 3.95, 4.05, 4.15, 4.20,
MEET: 4.31m 2011 Denise von Eynatten, South Florida
ECAC Qual.: 3.60m
NCAA Auto: 4.35m
ARMORY C: 14-07.25 2011 Tina Sutej, Arkansas
Name Year School
Flight 1 Finals
1 297 Annie Polcari SR NOTRE DAME
2 606 Alexander Wasik FR VILLANOVA
3 298 Kayla Polcari FR NOTRE DAME
4 499 Carissa Leonardi FR SOUTH FLORIDA
5 589 Kathleen McPhillips FR VILLANOVA
6 219 Abby Croft SO MARQUETTE
7 631 Lindsay Kopenhaver SR WEST VIRGINIA
8 85 Angelica Gilsenan JR CONNECTICUT
9 49 Sarah Rasnick SO CINCINNATI
10 20 Emily Clay FR CINCINNATI
11 266 Kelly Burke SO NOTRE DAME
12 197 Chelsea Lucas SO LOUISVILLE
13 590 Melissa Meggiolaro SR VILLANOVA
14 259 Kathryn Barousse SO NOTRE DAME
15 505 Nicole Smith JR SOUTH FLORIDA
16 645 Katlyn Shelar SO WEST VIRGINIA
17 26 Michelle Eby SR CINCINNATI
18 500 Brittany London FR SOUTH FLORIDA
Event 35 Women Triple Jump
Sunday 2/19/2012 - 12:30 PM
MEET: 13.35m 1999 Trecia Smith, Pittsburgh
ECAC Qual.: 11.90m
NCAA Auto: 13.30m
ARMORY C: 45-00.25 2008 Kimberli Williams, Stanford
Name Year School
Flight 1 Finals
1 512 Monique Williams SO SOUTH FLORIDA
2 446 Ekene Ugboaja SO RUTGERS
3 342 Julia Koloski SO PITTSBURGH
4 595 Victoria Profit SO VILLANOVA
5 328 Ashley Corum SO PITTSBURGH
6 491 Cynthia Aoufoh SO SOUTH FLORIDA
7 640 Stormy Nesbit SO WEST VIRGINIA
8 581 Samantha Francis SO VILLANOVA
9 508 Natasha Stewart FR SOUTH FLORIDA
10 457 Stephanie Barnes SO ST. JOHN'S
Flight 2 Finals
1 196 Charachesicia Lockhart SR LOUISVILLE
2 555 Ieva Staponkute SR SYRACUSE
3 241 Carlye Schuh SO MARQUETTE
4 203 Malina Simmers SR LOUISVILLE
5 266 Kelly Burke SO NOTRE DAME
6 270 Jessie Christian SO NOTRE DAME
7 507 Marqueshia Stallworth SO SOUTH FLORIDA
8 279 Mary Esther Gourdin FR NOTRE DAME
9 439 Nwamaka Okobi SR RUTGERS
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