Former Villanovans Adrian Blincoe and Bobby Curtis ran in the 3000 meters yesterday in Lucerne, Switzerland, and finished half a stride apart in 4th and 5th. Blincoe, with a career PR of 7:46.49 (2005), was 4th in 7:56.78, while Curtis, with a PR of 7:50.17i (2008), was 5th in 7:57.28., which is an outdoor PR. Both Blincoe (3000i) and Curtis (5000) won individual NCAA championships while at Villanova. Blincoe is timing his 2010 season to peak for the Commonwealth Games (3-14 October) in Delhi, India, where he will represent New Zealand in the 5000 meters. He is the New Zealand national record holder at that distance (13:10.19).
3000 meters
1. Torrence David 85 USA USA 7:54.61
2. Huling Dan 83 USA USA 7:55.59
3. Gabius Arne 81 GER GER 7:56.78
4. Blincoe Adrian 79 NZL NZL 7:56.99
5. Curtis Bobby 84 USA USA 7:57.28
6. Christie Mark 85 IRL IRL 7:58.82
7. Van der Westhuizen Peter 84 RSA RSA 8:00.05
8. Tesfay Simon 85 TG Hütten ERI 8:02.05
9. Bandi Philipp 77 GG Bern SUI 8:03.47
10. Perrett Clinton 83 LC Basel AUS 8:04.06
11. Abad Francisco 81 ESP ESP 8:08.53
12. Jesien Andrew 78 USA USA 8:15.58
13. Belz Christian 74 STBern Leichtathletik SUI 8:16.23
14. Farnosov Andrey 80 RUS RUS 8:17.88
15. Foster Jan 82 GER GER 8:19.85
16. Brügger Michel 81 TV Bösingen SUI 8:21.78
Nurme Tiidrik 85 EST EST n.a.
Pierce Jon 83 USA

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